I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xo Angel


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We love to read and often find ourselves deep into a book focused on personal development. When we saw this must-read list recommended by @craiggroeschel we had to share. They’re his top books to read for good habits and to help reach your goals–perfect to put on your reading list for 2024. 📚✨ best books […]

Best Books to Read for Good Habits

Mind, Sipindipity

Do you want to “live well, and finish strong?” When I heard that question, my ears perked up. Of course! Doesn’t everyone? So when I heard it was the premise of a book written by @gregsurratt and @chipjudd (two of my favorite pastors), I knew I had to get a copy and read it. Guys, […]

Book to Read: The Endurance Factor


If you're tired of the endless scramble to keep up with your social media, this guide is for you.

Free Guide

Guide to Plan Out Your Social Media Content


owner + Creator

For more than 28 years, I've been the secret sauce behind elevating brands, destinations, events, and popular companies, igniting their presence and propelling them to the spotlight.

I'm a dreamer, risk taker, Jesus follower, creator, and director of fun who owns over 350 Pez dispensers.

Angel Holmes

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see,
xo Angel


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the better way to be social